Thursday, December 22, 2005

Satsuma Cake

Satsuma Cake
Originally uploaded by monkeycat!.
I was reading Slashfood a few days ago and came across a picture of this cake made by someone else. I had never heard of Clementine Cake before, but the picture and the attached description made it sound delicious (not Anyway, I clicked through and found out that it was a Nigella Lawson recipe. Antonia had told me about Nigella before, and coming from such a reputable source, I figured that Nigella may have something to offer. Boy was I right.

We ended up making the cake out of Satsuma oranges (mandarins) instead of clementines becuase those are what we had. I did have to run out to get the ground almond meal that gives the cake its structure. Well, here's the recipe - I hear that it can be made with any citrus - let me know if anyone tries it with another fruit.

Clementine Cake by Nigella

4-5 clementines(about 1 lb)
6 eggs
1 c plus 2 tbs sugar
2 and 1/3 c. ground almond meal/flour
1 heaping tsp baking powder

Put the clementines in a pot of water and bring to a boil for about 2 hrs. (We did 1.5 hrs and it turned out great!) Take out the little green stem parts and put into a blender or food processor. Pulse to liquify. Add in the rest of the ingredients and pulse to blend, or like we did, pour liquified orange pulp into a mixing bowl and whisk in the rest of the ingerdients.

Preheat oven to 375ºF. Butter (or margarine) a 8in springform pan and line with parchment or wax paper (and butter that as well). Pour in batter and bake for 1hr. Like in the original recipe, we put an aluminum foil hat on the cake for the last 20 minutes - it was getting pretty dark.

Well, enjoy this picture, enjoy the cake. Please let me know what works and what doesn't - one day I hope to make this cake in at least 3 flavors and serve them all on one plate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why have I long been a fan of Nigella? Because I love the color blue she uses in her retail line. Turns out her good taste transends. Now... it's time for a leftover piece of that goodness :)